Sunday, January 11, 2009

Abby needs your prayers

Abby Riggs is 4 years old. She's in the fight of her life against a very agressive form of leukemia. This Wednesday, she will begin the most intense series of chemotherapy treatments...treatments that she may not survive.

Would you please say a prayer for Abby? Or if you're not a praying person, at least think of her? She needs every ounce of faith and hope that can be offered for her. Although I probably only have 5 people who ever read this blog, I am hoping that perhaps each of you can ask others that you know to pray for Abby as well.

Please click the link on the right side of the screen to read more about Abby and her family. Thank you!

Monday, January 5, 2009

All's quiet...

Or, at least it has been on my blog. So here's a quick post!!!

We had a good and uneventful Christmas. No one was sick (THANKS for your prayers!) and the kids had a great time opening gifts! We spent New Year's with some special friends and enjoyed watching all the kids parade around the house with various musical instruments for "Kids' New Year" which occurred at 8 pm :-) Cece apparently did not realize that was the end of the evening as she stayed up with us until about 11:15. What can I say, she's a party girl!

Things have been a little challenging over the last few days...I believe that my darling son is 4 1/2 going on 17. Its probably just over stimulation, peculiar schedules, and the spectacular nutritional experience that the holidays bring (cue sarcasm here). And lets just say that I would NOT have won any "Mother of the Year" (or even the week) for my ability to manage these situations.
But tomorrow is another day, so we'll both try to do better. Ok, at least I will try to do better!!! And no matter what, I love him more than I can say...which I make sure to tell him, especially after we've had yet another discussion about why he shouldn't smack his sister or use an entire roll of toilet paper or leave the water running or throw his toys or...
Oh yeah, I forgot. He's 4!!!!
Happy New Year!