Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yep, still on the face of the earth

I am a baaaad blogger. It's been almost a month since I wrote a stinkin' thing.

But for now, I am sleepy. So hopefully tomorrow I can find a few minutes to post a couple pictures of the kids from the last few weeks! Really, it has been pretty quiet around here. Boring, even.

I like boring - it means no hospital visits :-)

See you tomorrow, maybe!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A good day

This morning the kids got ready without a fight.

When I got to work, no one had taped the drawers shut on my desk, or placed Vaseline on my phone earpiece, or put plastic wrap on my chair. (It is April Fools day after all, and I do work with some crazy people.)

I didn't have to go to any meetings today. Well, one phone meeting, but I can deal with that.

I was greeted by two smiling faces at our daycare providers home, and two big hugs.

We went for a walk around the neighborhood while the kids rode their trikes. It was windy but sunny and had the scent of Spring.

Dinner was awaiting us in the crockpot. We noshed on comfort food…beef and noodles with green beans.

Alec ate the food that I made for dinner. And he even said that he loved it. This from the pickiest kid on Earth.

Cece played with stickers.

And then she let me do her hair with only a little crying…even though we were fresh out of marshmallows.

Yes, it's been a good day.