Friday, August 28, 2009

School's in!

So, I'm breaking out of the hospital posts and on to just your average, every day, family craziness!

It has been a very busy couple of weeks. Alec started Kindergarten just over a week ago! He's done pretty well with the transition, but I will fully admit that we are all tired and a little thrown off by the new schedule and all. Fred and I have split our work schedule so that I am going in earlier, while he takes Cece to day care and then drops Alec off at school. Then I leave work early to pick Alec up and then Cece. By the time we get home, the kids are excited to see each other but picking on each other at some point during the two block drive home. Apparently three minutes in the car is much too long to spend without playing "I'm not touching you!" And Alec has done a fantastic job of paying attention and following directions at school, so once arriving home the unrest unleashes onto his unsuspecting mother. And sister. And perhaps the cat.

Anyway, we have now made it through the first full week of full days of school, and we are still standing!

Ok, some of us are sitting...and two are sleeping. You know what I mean.

Today it was finally NOT RAINING when we got home, and the kids decided to run up and down the driveway. Amazingly the significant expenditure of energy made a huge difference in our evening, and there were NO time outs tonight!!! In fact, Alec fell asleep in my arms on the couch. That is a true sign of exhaustion...

Cece is doing very well. She had a post-hospital recheck a week ago and everything looks good. We still have no idea what caused her nasty but short-lived fever...but whatever it was, it appears to be gone! Here's hoping for more than 8 weeks before the next hospital run. But regardless, we're just enjoying each healthy day with which we are blessed!

First day of school!

Cece was sad...Alec tried to make her feel better.

Ready to head to class...

And this is when Mommy started to get a little weepy...

We are so proud of him!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We are home!

And exhausted.

Well, two of us are...the other two don't want anything to do with bedtime.

Thanks for thinking of us and for all of your prayers! We are very grateful. I have a few cute photos of Cece after receiving her "going home" notice today...will try to post them later this week! For now, I am going to go find my pillow and crash for a few hours.

Good night!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One more night...just one more night

No, I'm not channeling Phil Collins.

We're hoping this is just one more night, and that tomorrow we will receive our get-out-of-hospital free card!

Ok, not FREE. But whatever.

Since the source of Cece's fever has not been identified we will need to wait until tomorrow to ensure that her blood cultures are negative. Her pediatrician stopped in this evening and said that she fully expects negative results. Time will tell, but I will say that she is definitely acting like herself...including still being awake at 11 pm. After no nap.

Yes, that's our girl!

Tonight she took a bath, danced between the bed and the cot, ate cereal, drank milk, and watched both Madagascar 1 and 2. I am hoping that sleep will approach soon. I know it will for me!

Thanks for checking on us.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Back in the saddle...

It's been a busy summer. And it really was never my intention to make this into a "I'm only posting when we're in the hospital" blog. But for the moment, I guess that is what it has become!

So yes, Cece is back in the hospital. We came in through the ER at about 6:30 last night, and about 6 hours later we finally made it up to our room in Peds. Not sure why it has become such a long wait to get from there to here but it was 6 hours when we were here 2 months ago as well! In any case, her temp was 102.8 so we followed the usual routine...pack the to the hospital. Only this time, she started crying as soon as we walked in the door because the memory was a bit too fresh. I guess that's just going to be the way things are as she gets older and remembers things more clearly.

Her temp was up to 104.5, with Tylenol, at 1 am this morning. But for now she's at 100.1, playing with her new felt farm toy, and watching Winnie the Pooh. So all is good for the moment! They've done every test under the sun and everything has come back negative. So she'll stay on her IV for at least another day and then we will wait and see what the doctors recommend. With any luck she will get to sleep in her own bed on Wednesday or Thursday night.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!