Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One more night...just one more night

No, I'm not channeling Phil Collins.

We're hoping this is just one more night, and that tomorrow we will receive our get-out-of-hospital free card!

Ok, not FREE. But whatever.

Since the source of Cece's fever has not been identified we will need to wait until tomorrow to ensure that her blood cultures are negative. Her pediatrician stopped in this evening and said that she fully expects negative results. Time will tell, but I will say that she is definitely acting like herself...including still being awake at 11 pm. After no nap.

Yes, that's our girl!

Tonight she took a bath, danced between the bed and the cot, ate cereal, drank milk, and watched both Madagascar 1 and 2. I am hoping that sleep will approach soon. I know it will for me!

Thanks for checking on us.

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