Friday, August 28, 2009

School's in!

So, I'm breaking out of the hospital posts and on to just your average, every day, family craziness!

It has been a very busy couple of weeks. Alec started Kindergarten just over a week ago! He's done pretty well with the transition, but I will fully admit that we are all tired and a little thrown off by the new schedule and all. Fred and I have split our work schedule so that I am going in earlier, while he takes Cece to day care and then drops Alec off at school. Then I leave work early to pick Alec up and then Cece. By the time we get home, the kids are excited to see each other but picking on each other at some point during the two block drive home. Apparently three minutes in the car is much too long to spend without playing "I'm not touching you!" And Alec has done a fantastic job of paying attention and following directions at school, so once arriving home the unrest unleashes onto his unsuspecting mother. And sister. And perhaps the cat.

Anyway, we have now made it through the first full week of full days of school, and we are still standing!

Ok, some of us are sitting...and two are sleeping. You know what I mean.

Today it was finally NOT RAINING when we got home, and the kids decided to run up and down the driveway. Amazingly the significant expenditure of energy made a huge difference in our evening, and there were NO time outs tonight!!! In fact, Alec fell asleep in my arms on the couch. That is a true sign of exhaustion...

Cece is doing very well. She had a post-hospital recheck a week ago and everything looks good. We still have no idea what caused her nasty but short-lived fever...but whatever it was, it appears to be gone! Here's hoping for more than 8 weeks before the next hospital run. But regardless, we're just enjoying each healthy day with which we are blessed!

First day of school!

Cece was sad...Alec tried to make her feel better.

Ready to head to class...

And this is when Mommy started to get a little weepy...

We are so proud of him!


~S said...

I'm so glad to see you posted! I'm a little behind, but glad to catch up with you!

Thanks for the comments this week on my blog. I know it's a lot to ask, but if you ever have a minute, would you be willing to answer some questions about domestic adoption? I'm a little stuck!

Have a great day!

Deb said...

Hi Becky ~ Thanks for stopping by my website! It's so nice to connect with other adoptive families. I am in the very early stages of building content for my website and hope to make it a great resource for families just getting started. If you are interested in contributing please let me know, I would love to have an entry (or two) from you! Maybe you already have something written...or there's info that you think is "must have" for those just starting the adoption journey. I would like to have a section just for personal stories, so if you want to add anything, just send it to me in an e-mail and I will add it to the site. is the e-mail address. I am getting ready to post an article from Stacy next. I really wish there was something like this when we were just getting started...would have been so helpful - that's my motivating factor! Those who have been through adoption are such a great resource for those just getting started. Thanks again! Deb
PS - Cute kiddos, I see our sons are the same age! The time goes way too fast...I remember our placement day just like it was yesterday, yet so long ago!! :)

Michelle Riggs said...

How are you guys doing? It has been a while since you have updated your blog.

I updated our blog to include Landis's size. he is a 3-4 T

How are YOU doing????

Michelle Riggs said...

Thanks for continuing to pray for Abby and for taking the time to encourage me.

Praying for you and your beautiful daughter.