Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hi/Lo Thursday!

This post is part of "Hi/Lo Thursday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check out their blog to read everyone else's "Hi/Lo" posts and get your link on their site.

Our "Hi" this week:
Cece's surgery went off without a hitch. She had some pain when waking from anesthesia but the nurse was right on it and a little morphine really did the trick. We only had to stay one night and best of all, she completely avoided having any symptoms of a sickle cell crisis, which is a big concern with any surgical procedure. Prayers were answered all around and we are so very blessed. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!

Here's a picture from the hospital on Tuesday night during some of her limited "awake" time. She's watching the Curious George movie in her crib, holding her new bunny from the awesome people in Child Life, and nibbling on a shamrock cookie. Such a little sweetie!

And here's a snapshot from tonight - Alec and Cece on their "stage" in the kitchen. You'd never know that anything had happened this week at all! They've both done so great during this little adventure.

Our "Lo":

I felt very sad for the little boy next door to us in the hospital. The room walls were literally paper thin and I could hear every word that his mother said to him. He was pre-verbal, maybe 12 months old, and she yelled at him all night. After several hours of this, I could do nothing other than pray, so that's what I did. I hope that things turn around for this family and that this child has a chance to grow and thrive.

We enjoyed a quiet day at home today. Well, quiet is a relative term...the kids ran around like normal but everyone except Daddy managed to get a nap in this afternoon!!! It was lovely and relaxing. Hope you are all having a great week, and thanks again for your kind thoughs and prayers.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Super quick post tonight, since I am just plain sleep deprived...

but we are HOME!

Cece's asleep (or near asleep) in her bed. She ran around and giggled and jumped and did all of the normal Cece stuff today. I can't thank all of you enough for your thoughts and prayers.

In Cece's words...I happy! :-) Hope you all have a great night.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mostly good...

Cece made it through her surgery like a champ. She went to sleep very peacefully in the ER (I was allowed to go back with her) and woke up pretty upset in recovery, but a little morphine took care of that. We are not in the Children's Hospital as they ran out of room, so instead we are in the "satellite" which is the old ICU wing of the main hospital. It's ok, although I really wish there was a bathroom in this that will be interesting tonight. We do have the most fabulous nurse who is very experienced with sickle cell patients so that is definitely a plus. The problem at the moment is that her IV clotted and now they have to redo it...which is not good....she's a very hard stick. I'm praying it's not as bad as it has been in the past.

Thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts! They're truly appreciated!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Surgery schedule and a few pictures

We are leaving for Madison sometime this morning...well, who am I kidding, we're not packed yet so it will probably be this afternoon. I'm waiting for the call from the hospital to find out exactly what time Cece's surgery will be tomorrow morning and if I have a chance I'll post it here. I have had varying levels of anxiety about it throughout the week and have been praying for peace quite a bit. For the moment, peace is present, and being only 2 (well, almost 3) Cece is blissfully ignorant. I think it's best that way!

If you're not already following Abby's story, she is having surgery today. Please say a prayer for her and for the surgeons that will be performing her procedure. She still has no white blood cells so it is dangerous but unfortunately necessary. She's already been through so much more than any 4-year old should have to endure.

On a happier note, here's a few snapshots from the last couple of weeks!

Alec joined Cece during a catnap in our bed. So for all of those people who are always asking if they are really brother and sister...I think this covers it. It's not all about biology!

I'm bragging a little...but I was really proud of these cornrows! It's my 4th attempt over the last few months and the first one that really came out looking respectable. I redid them last night so that we will have no-maintenance hair during this week's hospital stay.

We had chocolate cake for Aunt Pat's birthday. Cece saw the cake on the counter and literally CRIED when I put it in the refrigerator and told her that she had to eat dinner first! So when cake time finally came, she dug in like the carb queen that she is and polished it off. When completely satiated with chocolate yumminess, she simply looked at me and said, "Mommy, I happy!"

How sweet is that?

UPDATE: Surgery is scheduled for 11:30. That's about 3 hours later than we had hoped for, as no food is allowed after midnight. All we can hope is that tomorrow is one of her "I don't want to eat" days as opposed to one of her "I'm going to eat everything I see" days. I just called RMC house to verify that we have a room and they are I am supposed to call back after 2 to see if we have a room or not. If not, they'll get us a hotel room. We'll wait and see...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pray for MeWe participate in "Pray for Me... Pray for Others" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check out their blog to add your prayer request. Join a community of friends who care about you, and hope you will care about them.

There's so many people that I could ask for prayers for today. It seems that every day I hear of another person who is suffering with illness, struggling with financial problems, or having some other trial. So for today, I have only posted a few of those prayers on Riggs' blog...and there will be plenty to add for next week!

I haven't written the rest of the Madison visit story as of yet...and it's not going to get done tonight, either. Perhaps tomorrow! We did get the remainder of Cece's CBC results, and as the nurse put it, all were "excellent!" Reticulocyte, Hemoglobin and Hematocrit had all incresed slightly since her last draw in October. This would always be great news, but is particularly good to hear as we are at a point where her fetal hemoglobin is, most likely, no longer present in her system. Fetal Hemoglobin has protective qualities for people with sickle cell disease and remains in the blood stream for months to years after a child is born. So this has been a secret worry of mine as of late...what if she has been doing so well (in SCD terms) because of Fetal Hb? Of course there is no way to know, and only time will tell what her prognosis will be. For now, I'm just pleased as punch to hear the word "excellent" in relation to a blood test.

Please keep Abby in your prayers. She is having a rough go of it. Also, please pray for Cheri, who is battling multiple myeloma. She is the mother of one of my staff members and it has been a very long and difficult road for their family. May God bless all of them and comfort them.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Quick follow up to yesterday's quick note

I'll write more tomorrow, but for now I'll just let you know that it appears that Cece will not need a pre-op transfusion. So that is great news! The rest? Well, it was a comedy of errors.

More tomorrow. For right now, I'm going to go try to sleep for more than 4 hours as the eyelids are starting to get verrrry heavvvy. Good night, and thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Just a quick note...

I've got to get to bed as the alarm is going to seem REALLY early when it goes off at 5...but just wanted to ask for your prayers for a couple of intentions.

Please pray for Abby. She is in the hospital again and it looks like it's going to be a rough week. Her little body has been beaten down so many times by all of the chemo, and she is suffering yet again. Please pray that she is not in pain and that the doctors can manage all of the many side effects that she is enduring, and also that her family can continue to have the strength they need to help her through this difficult time.

Please pray for Landon. I "met" Landon's mom on a Yahoo group for parents of kids with sickle cell disease. Landon was scheduled to have his spleen removed last week - a surgical procedure that is often needed in the most severe cases of sickle cell disease. He has been having a lot of problems and his prognosis is not good. I have not been able to get in touch with his mom, so I'm hoping and praying that all has gone well.

Lastly, would you please say a prayer for Cece? I feel almost selfish asking for this, but the reality is I'm starting to get kinda nervous about her upcoming ear tube and adenoid removal surgery. Surgery will be on March 17 and her pre-op appointment is tomorrow. I'll post any updates that we have after we get back from the appointment, but at this point I don't expect to know a whole lot more then than I do now. We'll find out sometime next week whether she will need a preoperative transfusion. I'm hoping not but time will tell.

Thank you!!! And in addition to can I pray for you? Leave me a note. It's the least I can do. Blessings to you!