Sunday, March 1, 2009

Just a quick note...

I've got to get to bed as the alarm is going to seem REALLY early when it goes off at 5...but just wanted to ask for your prayers for a couple of intentions.

Please pray for Abby. She is in the hospital again and it looks like it's going to be a rough week. Her little body has been beaten down so many times by all of the chemo, and she is suffering yet again. Please pray that she is not in pain and that the doctors can manage all of the many side effects that she is enduring, and also that her family can continue to have the strength they need to help her through this difficult time.

Please pray for Landon. I "met" Landon's mom on a Yahoo group for parents of kids with sickle cell disease. Landon was scheduled to have his spleen removed last week - a surgical procedure that is often needed in the most severe cases of sickle cell disease. He has been having a lot of problems and his prognosis is not good. I have not been able to get in touch with his mom, so I'm hoping and praying that all has gone well.

Lastly, would you please say a prayer for Cece? I feel almost selfish asking for this, but the reality is I'm starting to get kinda nervous about her upcoming ear tube and adenoid removal surgery. Surgery will be on March 17 and her pre-op appointment is tomorrow. I'll post any updates that we have after we get back from the appointment, but at this point I don't expect to know a whole lot more then than I do now. We'll find out sometime next week whether she will need a preoperative transfusion. I'm hoping not but time will tell.

Thank you!!! And in addition to can I pray for you? Leave me a note. It's the least I can do. Blessings to you!


Jen said...

Abby, Landon and Cece will all be in my prayers. I'll be thinking of Cece as she goes through her operation. Please take care!

Meredith said...

Abby is always in my prayers (what an amazing family) but Landon and Cece are added of course. Never feel silly about worrying about your baby... isn't prayer what this (or at least some of them) blog community is about?! God Bless!

~S said...

Sorry, I've been out of town for a week. Abby, Landon and Cece will be in our prayers.

Thank you for your offer to pray for us, too. I think you already know what I'm praying for. :-)

Much love and many blessings, my friend! Have a great day!