Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yeah, we're still here...

So, I seem to be a bit tardy in posts these days. It's a bit funny, really, because there hasn't been much going on...so I really have no excuse. Well, perhaps the fact that the children don't want to go to bed until the sun goes down has something to do with it! By 9:30 at night my brain isn't working all that well anymore, and so I haven't been keeping up with our blog.

But yes, we're still here.

We had a good vacation at the end of June/beginning of July. We headed to the suburbs for a couple of days and had a fun time taking the train downtown Chicago. The kids played in the fountain at Millenium Park and we got plenty of walking in between the tall buildings and along the Chicago River. We then headed to Door County, Wisconsin and enjoyed a few nice summer days there. The kids had a fantastic time at the fireworks on July 4 and we were treated to a ride along the bay in a big ferry boat! It pays to have friends who know people who own ferry boats!!!

Alec will be starting kindergarten in about 5 weeks. Oh...my....gosh. How can my baby already be going to kindergarten??? It seems like just yesterday that we brought our little man home...

Ahh, memories...
We have his supply list, and I've ordered his uniforms, and yesterday we purchased fabric and supplies to make a Transformers nap mat! Sure, I could have bought one, but it seemed too easy. Ha!!! Actually I think it will be a lot of fun and he will enjoy helping me put it together. You've got to love free patterns on the Internet!

Cece's doing great. She has scraped her knees and fingers up numerous times over the past few weeks and we have been concerned that she might end up with infected owies, no matter how careful we are with cleaning and slathering with Neosporin...but I tell you, that girl is an amazing healer. Perhaps the knees look a little worse for the wear but her skin is as good as new. We had her appointment with the pediatric orthopedic doctor last Friday to check out her flat feet. It's all good news...no orthotics, no special shoes, no braces, no worries!!! She will see the cardiologist in a month or so and hopefully after that appointment, we will be able to check that specialist off of the list as well. One of Cece's favorite new phrases is, "Mommy, look at my happy face!" And with good reason, it seems!!!

I'm having a lot of trouble uploading pictures, so here are a few from our Chicago trip...I hope to post a few more later this week.

Thanks for checking in on us!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Thanks for the update! If it wasn't for fb I would've been lost :)

Glad everyones doing so well, Alec starting kindergarden in the fall means summer is going by way too fast. Enjoy it!